How to Craft a Friendly Break Up To Curtail the “Getting Over” Period

Relationships are not everlasting. Some eventually end with death, the bitter but ultimate reality of life. Others however end with the dissatisfaction of physical or emotional needs. This second part is nothing to wish or desire but in reality, relationships often break and on a high rate in recent times. Sometimes you may have to walk out of some relationships to start over life in a fresher breathe. In this article, I have listed some secrets below that can help you have a friendly breakup. Yes, it does not happen much, but you have to try. If you will not be able to prevent the heartbreak then you will surely be able to cut down the “getting over” period for both of you.

Don’t Break the News Unexpectedly
How would you feel if your partner breaks up with you out of the blue without giving any explanation? If your relationship is going through a rough patch and you are serious about getting away from this relationship then you should discuss this with your partner. It will make your partner realize that something is going wrong and anything can happen in future. If your partner realizes his/her mistake, it can save your relationship otherwise you will not have any regrets of not giving your partner the second chance. Think it through, prepare the ground gradually and then announce your decision with poise.

Say It at the Right Time and at the Right Place
Most times, it is not so much about the news of a breakup that hurts but how and when the news is released. Choose a right time and place to declare your decision. You will not want to break up with your partner on events like anniversaries or birthdays. Otherwise, you will feel bad about yourself and it will haunt you shoddily for your entire life. It will be better if you do something special for your partner before breaking up to end the relationship on the positive note. There are lots of ex-couples out there who broke up in horrendous style and it brought nothing good for them. So, no need to create a situation even if your partner is the one who want to end the relationship.

Think Of It as a Chance
One of the greatest gifts you have in life is the gift of “today”. Hidden behind a breakup is an opportunity to see life from the progress level. Some persons will definitely have to leave your life for the right persons to find access into your life. The mental approach toward your break up can decrease your sufferings substantially. You should not think it as a bad event ,but think it as a chance to bring positive change into your life. Remember, every lovely couple has some unpleasant experiences discretely. Some dire incidences should not make you hopeless. Moreover, your sadness will disturb your love once and make your enemy pleased. You will certainly not want to please your enemy with your wretchedness. You should realize that you have a life left with you and you have to move on with it. You can also use your bad experiences to help other couples to avoid misconceptions, fights and break ups.
Bury The Hatchet
If you cannot have an intimate relationship .with someone that does not mean that you can’t be friends with each other. I know you will find this point bizarre ,but believe me, having the hatred for someone will not do any good for you and who knows what will happen in the future and how well you may need each other in some other areas of life? Don’t give up your friendship to your ego. This is one of the most difficult things to do but life is too short to make more enemies. I am not saying that you should have a close friendship with your ex, but you must not have any negative feeling for him/her. You are responsible for your happiness, so don’t give this responsibility to someone else at any cost. You can't change the past, but you can make your future jovial.

Find a Purpose In Life
To get over your break up or divorce ,you have to distract your mind from it. Keeping your thoughts on different possibilities that could have happened in your past life will not solve your problem. If you have a job ,then you should focus on it and spend maximum time with your colleagues and friends. If you are not on the job ,then find one. Until then, keep on doing volunteer work. Yes, it is not recommended that you go for another relationship immediately after a breakup, but some fun will not kill you. You just have to do something productive to stay away from negative thoughts. Try to make a rational decision rather than an emotional one. Invest your attention in living out your purpose. There is a greater excitement in fulfilling your purpose. That should engage you enough until you find the next relationship.

Learn to Love Yourself
It is a fact that events like divorce and break up can shatter your confidence. You may feel like it’s your fault and you are unable to hold a relationship, but it may not be true. Learn to love yourself and accept your realities. You have to keep on trying to make your life better. Once you start to love yourself, you will feel more confident and you will give respect to your decisions. Take a closer look at your inner personality and you will definitely see something good in it. Use that something good to help others so that you can feel better about yourself. It is very crucial because you cannot break up with yourself. You have to accept your faults to make them right.

In the end, life may be hard and it will not give you an easy time.  Ask for strength to cope with the difficult times in life. If you are going through the agony of divorce or break up, then all these guidelines can help you to move on from your previous relationships. I sincerely hope that you find peace of mind and live life like a bird; flying high and free from all apprehensions.
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